Miss Kwame Seventy-Six

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Channel Your Inner Badass

A couple of weeks ago, I had an interesting conversation with a friend and colleague about likability and its effect on career advancement.  We both agree that one of the most challenging issues we face at work is figuring out how to be "likable" while "being ourselves".  

My friend and I are the kind of ladies who aren't especially adept at "playing games". She's a straight shooter with no filter.  I personally don't have time for games which my resting bitch face easily gives away. 

Opportunities for advancement are available to individuals who are well liked. And it's hard being yourself when you're afraid to share your opinions when you're worried about being liked.

There's an illusion that directness is appreciated in the workplace.  Let's be real, no one really wants you to say what you really think or to be your true self. What they want is the PR version of you. You know the social media version...stylish and polished but light on substance. Sadly, this can lead to you do one of two things censoring yourself or becoming so disengaged that you do only the minimum required...no more.

My advice to anyone in this situation is quit worrying about being liked. Continue to be the amazing person you are and opportunities will come your way; if not with this job then the next one. And if you get pushback or little to no appreciation, turn to your inner badass for help.

Channeling your inner badass is the perfect remedy for dealing with these nuanced situations.

Being a badass at work doesn't mean you're a disgruntled employee or troublemaker. It just means that you are someone who knows her worth. And while you still battle fear in certain situations, you don't let that fear stop you. You push through it because at the end of the day, reaching your goals, living your purpose, and being your truest self is what you desire. 

Here are three ways channeling your inner badass can help you at work.  

  • Be a brave badass by saying what's on your mind. Speaking your mind is the equivalent of speaking your truth, so don't censor yourself. There will be times when your opinions won't be popular. But dissenting opinions are needed. Ideas that can't withstand a challenge are inherently flawed. Remember that you weren't hired to be a robot, who succumbs to group think or to be a yes woman. Convey your thoughts and opinions with tact and professionalism because a badass knows staying silent is worse than saying the wrong thing.  
  • Be a confident badass by knowing your worth. Girl, you need to know your worth. You're a badass! That's right a badass, who isn't concerned about being liked.  Whenever you get so caught up in the office likability drama that you start to question your worth, remembering that your a badass is you're saving grace. Harness your confidence, remember you're good enough, walk into that meeting and command respect. Honey, I want you to own the room with your confidence knowing in your heart that your a badass.  Show your boss and coworkers you are meant to succeed. 
  • Be your own kinda badass and f@&k other people's opinions.  Try not to internalize the comments or feedback you get about yourself. There will be times when, even though you try your hardest, people just won't like you. They will dislike you cause they can.  So what are you going to do? Cry about it?  Call your Mom? Full disclosure...that's usually what I do. My Mom gives great advice. She always reminds me that nothing in the workplace is personal. It's business. Don't make it personal. Do not let the opinions of others cause you to devalue yourself. Do your work and be yourself.  F@&k caring about what others think of you.
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