6 Reasons You Need An Introverted Friend

6 Reasons You Need An Introverted Friend

There are times when being an introvert feels like a disadvantage. We're often called snobs, seen as unapproachable or just plain old mean.

It sucks being misunderstood. #sadface

Instead of complaining about the trials and tribulations of being an introvert in this loud, scripted, faux reality world, I'm going to tell why you (yeah you!) need an introverted friend in your life.  

Warning: Serious yet satirical reasoning below. 

1.  We're extremely observant; almost clairvoyant. Pair this with our intuitive nature and yeah, we can pretty much read people better than anyone. We can sense when people are lying, figure out if you're cat is really plotting to kill you, if your partner or our own is cheating. Not to toot my own horn but I've been known to correctly pick the winners of The Voice and American Idol each season. 

2.  Best listeners ever! While you're moaning and groaning about your significant other, children or messed up life, you won't hear a peep from us. Do you know why? Because we're actually "listening" to you! We're not pretending to listen or waiting to rattle of a list of reasons as to why you need to leave your deadbeat husband. We're listening because we genuinely want to hear about your problems. We hope that one day you'll return the favor by listening to us. 

3.  Introverts are great actors. Every morning we get dressed and head off into the world "acting" like we care about a job, issue or whatever. And people believe us.  So if you need someone to be your plus one to a party or work event you'd rather not attend, give your introvert friend a call. We're usually good at faking enthusiasm at social events for a minimum of an hour. Who I'm kidding...more like 30 minutes. Not only can we fake enthusiasm but we're the master of the quick yet subtle exit. We'll help you make an appearance and leave without ruffling feathers or bruising your boss's ego. Pretty neat skill, huh?

4.  We'll never steal attention away from you. When you have an introverted friend, you will always be the center of attention because we don't want to be noticed, dread making small talk and are happy just blending into the background. So go ahead, step into the spotlight. We don't want it. 

6 reasons why you need an introverted friend or friends.jpg

5.  We're loyal. Haven't spoken to your introverted friend in months? Pick up the phone and give her a call, it'll feel like no time has passed. We don't need you to check in daily. We've got your back. We'll always be here when you need us. 

6. Our resting bitch face will scare the pants off just about anyone. Need a goon squad because someone is giving you a hard time? Then call your introvert friend(s) to help you take care of the situation. No one can wear a mean mug like an introvert. With our inherent ability to conjure up the illest resting bitch face, we will scare that bothersome S.O.B into submission. Yup, with just our face. Don't worry their sorry asses won't be bothering you again. 

What do you love most about your introverted friends? If you're introvert, what quality do you think makes you a great friend? 

Cover photo from CreateHerStock  

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