Miss Kwame Seventy-Six

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An Overthinking Introvert's Thought of the Day

Most days I'm overly consumed with my thoughts. I call it internal dialogue run amuck; it's probably just an introvert thing. Well anyway, last week, I had a podcast interview scheduled with Teagan, host of the podcast Teagan Goes Vegan and I found myself consumed with negative thoughts of the interview.

Will I sound intelligent?

Will my voice sound annoying?

Should I decline the interview? 

I had tons of negative thoughts swirling in my head but I did the interview anyway. I felt so at ease during the interview. I have to thank Teagan for creating a space where we could have such a warm conversation. 

Today, as I listen to the podcast, I can't help but think about my vegan/vegetarian journey. I often tell people my rebirth started when I decided to stop eating meat. I made that decision because a family member was diagnosed with cancer and died within months of the diagnosis.  That one event created a domino effect causing me to question my belief systems and step outside my comfort zone. I began to view life differently.

Decisions about my health and life can't be outsourced to a doctor, the FDA or my family. I had to make my own way. Find my own truth.

During my rebirth, I yearned for information about food, health, parenting, religion and love. I read all I could about the subjects. And what I learned was there isn't one way to live this life. There isn't one absolute truth or edict I have to adopt or follow. I gave myself permission to live life on my terms, simply by choosing to focus on my wellbeing. I encourage you to make healthy choices and focus on your wellbeing too.

The lessons from today's random post is do the scary stuff even if you're afraid because good things can happen when you step out your comfort zone. 

I would love for you to listen to my podcast interview on Teagan Goes Vegan, click here to play the episode.


Photo credit: CreativeConnex 

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